
17 2024

CJD Interfaith Program

2:30PM - 4:00PM  

Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: Interfaith Marriage Discussion

By: Donna Poach and Dean Garfinkel, CJD members

We invite you to join us for a discussion on Sunday, March 17 at 2:30 pm on interfaith marriage: exploring the opportunities for cultural and spiritual growth.  Can it actually strengthen religious beliefs and observance for both faiths?

Clergy from both the Catholic and Jewish faiths will be joining us to explore the viewpoints of their respective religions.  We are honored to have the Very Reverend Robert Kantor, Pastor of St. Agnes Church and Rabbi Frank Muller of Naples.

Following an overview given by each of the clergy, a brief question and answer session will be open to all attendees.  Immediately following that will be a round table discussion to include the following questions, as well as any related questions anyone wishes to discuss. 

The debate of interfaith unions has been around longer than Tevya and Fiddler on the Roof.  We hope this time together will enrich and enlighten us as we explore interfaith marriage at a time in our cultures when the number of the “faithful” may appear to be diminishing.

Please register for this free program here: