
11 2024

Do you suffer Election Anxiety?

2:00PM - 3:00PM  

Dr. Linda Rosen, psychologist, will give a short presentation and then open it up for Q&A and discussion. Please join us for this free seminar at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.


Do You Suffer Election Anxiety?


There is such a thing as “Election Anxiety” The last few months, in particular, has led to a big buildup of what has become a major decision of who will be the best candidate to lead and protect our country and at the same time serve our individual needs and interests. We cannot talk to each other without taking the risk it will lead to an argument, or worse-a fight.
In this seminar we will explore what are the key issues that cause anxiety, the psychological importance of making a decision, voting and assertiveness. How to cope with anger and rage at people holding opposite political positions. Is it possible to engage in a normal exchange of ideas on various topics?
This is a forum to discuss our feelings, lower the temperature, and learn coping strategies to get through a heightened election season with the people we live with, work with and play with.